Our Process
Hiring the Independent pros you need is easier than you think.
Our process is designed to simplify and solve the hiring process so solopreneurs and small business owners can work with the best freelance talent. We’ve combined the power of human recruiters with technology to curate freelance professionals who are best matched to your specific talent and skill needs.
Allow us to take the heavy lifting of hiring off your shoulders with a process designed to help you get clear on your needs and hire expert freelancers in a more streamlined way you can feel confident about.

The ResultsResourcing Process
Our free discovery call starts with a human conversation to get clear on your needs. In fact, we help you define your needs because, after supporting hundreds of other small business owners, we generally know the skills needed to achieve the results you seek.
We proactively recruit and vet freelance professionals for the key roles small businesses need. We screen for outcomes oriented, resourceful thinkers and doers who have the skills and disposition you need to deliver results.
Our platform and human recruiting experts best match YOU and YOUR job based on the business skills, software/tool skills and work style we’ve defined together. You can interview the best-matched pro to ensure it’s a good fit.
You hire your freelance pro through the ResultsResourcing platform. Upon job award, you’ll be able to get to work together within 24 to 48 hours! Satisfaction Guaranteed.